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9 Questions That Lead to Breakthroughs for Lawyers

A 2019 Harvard Business Review study found that “legal practice was the loneliest kind of work.”

And when you feel like you lack support or resources in your existing network, figuring out your next career move can be deeply frustrating.

Let’s change.

“9 Questions That Lead to Breakthroughs for Lawyers” is based on the questions I’ve asked throughout my 25+ years as a practicing lawyer. These questions have led to new awareness, mindsets, and habits that helped me change the trajectory of my career.

These same questions have also helped my coaching clients gain clarity and overcome hurdles at pivotal moments along their legal career paths.

You can download these questions for free by signing up below.

When you sign up, you’re also joining my email list. I’ll send you an email roughly once a month, sharing insights and advice to help you make progress toward your career goals.